Friday, April 6, 2012

Rockin Behavior Chart

We are working towards Rockin' Behavior! 

Usually I use this board to rotate through topics we are studying.  Before I put this up, it was a Greek Mythology pinboard since we are reading The Lightning Thief. Student did research and created a family tree on mythological characters.  But because of recent behavior struggles class-wide, I thought that good behavior is certainly a topic we should be studying.  Now we have a behavior board!  

I found this idea for the Rockin' Behavior guitar chart on Pinterest.  I like it because students can not only move down the guitar, but they have a chance to strive for excellence and move up!  Each day students start with a clean slate on Let's Rock N' Roll and move their clip based on their choices for the day.    

The levels are: 
  • You're a Rockstar! (Welcome to Hollywood)
  • Can I Have Your Autograph? (You're Going to Be Famous!)
  • A Stellar Performance (Keep it Up)
  • Let's Rock N Roll (We're Ready to Learn)
  • Singing the Blues (Warning! Practice Makes Perfect)
  • Speak with Management (Parent Contact and/or Consequence)
  • All Tour Dates Cancelled (Office, Parent Contact and Consequence)
I've taken this Pinterest idea a step further though!  My principal gave me a book to read "How to Reach and Teach Children with Challenging Behavior" by Otten and Tuttle.  It gave me some great management ideas that can be implemented immediately- practical stuff not just theory (we've all had enough of those kinds of books)!  

I am building in 10-15 minutes of free time to the end of each day.  Depending on where students are on the behavior chart, they will get to choose off of different reinforcement menus for their free time.  I've divided the guitar into three zones.  

Zone 1 is for students on "Speak with Management" and "All Tour Dates Cancelled." (The book suggests all choice be positive, but I do reserve the right to have a student miss free time)  They may choose off of this menu: 

Zone 2 is for students "Lets Rock N Roll" or "Singing the Blues."  Here is their menu:

Zone 3 is for students who have moved up the guitar and are striving for excellence.  Here is their menu:

You know what's cool?  Students CHOSE THE MENU ITEMS!  They helped decide what positive reinforcements were deserved at each level.  They also had the idea that if the whole class is in "Rock N Roll" or higher, we can go outside for that 10 minutes.  And if the whole class makes it up to Zone 3, we can have an electronic party the next day!  

I'm excited to see how this works for us, and will keep my loyal readers updated!  
Rocking Out for Now, 


  1. This is so awesome! I teach third grade and this would work wonders. I was wondering if you had any print outs that you could share or sell. I would love to duplicate this and use it for next year.

    1. Katie B, I would love to share with you! The problem is, I am relatively new at this blogging thing, and can't figure out how to upload documents. Any ideas?

  2. Could you let me know how you made the font and the color background? I want to alter your words slightly. I have a MAC and am not sure how to shadow behind the lettering.. Any help would be great, I love your ideas!
